Saturday, February 24, 2007

Football! (Jesus Video #2)

Number two in the four part series...ha ha!

Any thoughts? Historical Jesus versus religious Jesus/church Jesus?


farris said...

It went reasonably well. Teeth are out, stitches are in and I'm all kinds of on cool pain medicine.

I also am mostly unable to talk, so I'm sure that anyone who knows me would not recognize me right now...

DGH said...

Are you kidding me???? This is historical Jesus! me I know it is.... because i found these books and there is a stone that I looked through to be able to read the text...and oh wait... that is another guy I know. heh. man I love these videos!

margaretm said...

Great picture of you at the bean, D.G.

mattl said...

I've met more people who subscribe to rules 1 & 4 than the other two. But rule 2 made me think a lil of this video.