Friday, December 29, 2006

2007: The Year I Started Taking Pictures?

I've never been one to take pictures. I haven't even enjoyed having my picture taken!

But the stars must be aligning:
--Robbie and I got new phones for Christmas that have a camera!
--My friend Julie has inspired me by trying out Project 365.

I think I'm going to give it a picture a day for a year.

2007 may turn out to be really interesting.

(Here's hoping these are more than New Year's Resolutions!)


NoVA Dad said...

This doesn't really apply to the photo project (although I've told Julie that I think I'm going to do it as well), but I wanted to say hello. I popped over from Julie's blog and have really enjoyed poking around here; I was also interested in seeing that you are completing your master's degree in theology. I was working on mine at one time, and was about 1/3 finished when my boss retired and my schedule changed dramatically. I'm still hoping to get back and finish it at some point.

In the meantime, I've started the discernment process for possible admission to the seminary down the road, so I'm headed in a different direction on the same topic.

I'd like very much to link to your blog, if that's permissible.


Unknown said...

Hey Margaret!

I finally remembered to put your link on my blog. :) And look! You're getting traffic already - though Matt is hardly "traffic." He's a great guy.

Can't wait to see you soon. We need to talk. Call me.


margaretm said...

Hey, Matt!
I'm in between stops to family (where the internet is not so readily available!) but I wanted to take a moment to say hi!

I look forward to chatting more about life and theology, etc.

Definitely permissible to link to my blog--I look forward to the dialogue.

Talk to you when I get back from the internet black hole I call "inlaws."

Happy New Year!

margaretm said...

Hey Julie~
Thanks for setting me up as a link! I'm really excited about the community...

I just sent you an email...I'll talk to you when I return from the nether regions!