Saturday, May 06, 2006

What is control?

It's not a new dilemma, for me or for many. I'm wrestling once again with the idea of God being in control.

The devotion that I read for this morning stated that when the Hebrews were being enslaved by the Egyptians, God was still in control. The stumbling block du jour.

I am not (currently) struggling with the question "Why do bad things happen to good people." I believe that bad things happen to everyone at some time, although some things are worse than others. Bad things just seem to be part and parcel of life on planet earth.

What I am struggling with is whether or not I believe that God is in control of it. If so, then what does it mean to be "in control"? I am not comfortable believing that God causes bad things to happen. And since God is not stopping bad things from happening, what does that say about God's control? And God's choices?

I'm pretty sure I'll never have an answer to this. I just want to be honest and open about the fact that I'm still struggling. I don't want to go numb.


dawninprogress said...

I want to think on what you have said here. I will be back (to quote the Terminator, :)


dawninprogress said...

I'm baaaaackkkkkk!

You asked "What is control?" There's the technical definition and then there's that common understanding of what it means. I think technically it's about having the power to determine outcomes and guide, or direct, events to get to that outcome. But, if you're asking to what extent does God control events, then (and I agree with you, the answer to this will not become clear while we're here) I tend to think---at least this week I think this---that I take a "middle of the road" stand. I think that God does have a direction He wants human kind to take, He has an outcome, or a goal for us as a whole, but individually as events happen, and bad and good things happen---so be it as long as it doesn't interfere with His plan. Did that make sense? In other words, I tend to think that we have control, we can determine our own destinations within a certain context.

Wait, you didn't ask me my view on this, I think you were asking God's view on this. ?? Am I right?

Numb? Interesting metaphor. Numb---not feeling pain, nor joy. Numb---blindly accepting what is taught because it is just how it has always been? What definition did you mean here? "I don't want to become numb..." Not feeling pain, nor joy...well that would break my heart for you. But, conversely, the latter definition....of not just going along...well I'm not surprised. You're growing yourself. You're in the Masters program in goes to say that by gaining knowledge and perspective and stretching and're going to question.

Education isn't done to you, it's something you do.

You're getting ej-e-kated!

Question away! But don't get numb. Question until you've worked out all answers to your personal level of acceptance, and one day you will have the real answers, but until then, getting to a point where you're satisfied, well, maybe that's what we'll settle for. And by you questioning, honestly, it's freeing for others. Wait, I'll speak personally here. I've had questions, but to ask outloud felt rebellious to me. To question some things, some deep things, felt sacrilege almost. To know that someone like you also questions, it's freeing and it's refreshing. Status quo, accepting the same 'ol same'ol just because without researching and taking some serious cranial time seems very sheep-like.

Once again, I've gone on too long. I like your questions though, and you know, it has just dawned on me that you may not want my $.02 worth, you may actually want a place to freely write out your thoughts and not worry about feedback....please feel free to post a "No butting in!" preface, or a "Private" I'll get the picture!!! I'm not that thick headed ;)

Blessings my friend...keep growing!!
