Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Bag of Inconsistencies...

My mind is like a plastic trick or treat pumpkin filled up with lots of candy. Some are good, some are not, and I never know what I'm going to get when I reach in without looking. I like to write, and, for the life of me, I cannot make myself finish writing my final exam! I want to be recognized for my great mind, and I just spent a ridiculous amount of money trying to find the right mascara to make my eyelashes look good...

My life is full of inconsistencies, too. I shower every day, but can't make myself dust my house. I work out, and then go eat at White Castle's. I read the Bible every day, and have a hard time dragging myself to church some days.

Well, at least my mind and my life seem to be consistent in their inconsistencies, I guess.

Off to finish my final exam!

1 comment:

dawninprogress said...

But once you commit to something, I've not known you to do it only halfway. Your final exam will be brilliant I'm sure!!

So when I complain about the price of gas and then drive all over town... or when I complain about preservatives and additives and then feed my family potato chips with their sandwiches (made with processed lunch meat no less), is that not consistent?? ;)

Good luck with the writing, I have no doubt it'll be a masterpiece!
